Spanish Rushed
I’ve rushed my Spanish on Duolingo to complete A1 by the end of November. I am going to regret this, as I’m going to have to go back over this ground this.
I need to let the guilt go and take 30 minutes here and there during the day to do my own thing.
F@@king CPAP machine
The CPAP machine is not working, I keep ripping of the mask in my sleep. I don’t know what else to do. Though it does seem from the stats that my sleep has improved.
100% with Grace
I am spending nearly all day with Grace, every day. It’s ok. Last night I slept on the bed with her for a couple of hours. I’ve been arriving in the morning and not leaving until the evening.
Trying to focus on other things too
Though I am planning other things in my life now. I’ve got the gym, now I am putting swimming in my calendar once per week. I need to get the weight off. I’ve booked some more concerts over the next two months.