19th March 2023
So I did think about putting the Ikea logo here, though I some how think combining it with cannabis oil is likely to get me sued by Ikea’s Brand police!
Grace and David do Ikea
Yep it sounds as dull as hell and very normal, taking a trip to Ikea at the weekend. Yet it is the first I have been to somewhere outside of Rotterdam with Grace for months. Though she does not say much she has a beaming smile from ear to ear. We’re listening to Sade and then upbeat tracks from Coldplay. The visit really is to browse, I really don’t need any more stuff for the apartment. She is relaxed and I have to say it’s a nice morning, rounded off with hots dogs near the cash registers.
Consuming Cannabis Oil with THC
Post the course completing I decide to take some CBD (Cannabis based) oil. I take a bit more than the one or two drops recommended. I’m relaxed and I get to sleep quickly. It’s the first time, having tried it on a few occasions this last week that its had the desired effect. Reading up CBD oil wont make you high, it merely intended to relax you. I’ve been advised by ‘a friend’ that I should get CDB oil with THC, as it will make more relaxed. Struggling to find this in the main shops I decide to go to a coffee shop, I proceed to ask the nice lady behind the counter who advises me that it is illegal in the Netherlands. Oh! Upon further reading I discover that THC is illegal unless prescribed by a doctor and only specific pharmacies can sell it. Oh! Well I need to speak to my friend again. In the meantime, I’ve take some drops of the CBD oil before my next class begins.