Happy birthday Sarah!
I’ve woke up this morning and get that feeling that I have from time to time, which is I want to do new things with my life. Have new experiences, in new places around the world. FFS David stop! Focus on the here and now – sort your work situation out, earn some good money, do your second book, learn your languages……
I’ve also helped Isabel buy and collect some second hand garden chairs, which are in great condition. Now I need to find some for myself, for the balcony. Isabel asks if I liking living in NL – I respond saying its ok and I am happy it hear, but its not a choice I would have made were it not for Grace.
Airco Triggers a whole load of thoughts, feelings and emotions
Wow, I was walking through the corridor of the care home and I felt the airco. It triggered lots of thoughts, feelings and emotions. All associated with my time in Dubai. Stupid as it sounds I starting think about the life Lionella has – driving a nice car, travelling, buying nice clothes, eating in nice restaurants. I get this feeling of envy. All because I feel chilled air inside a building.
Grace Sleeps, and Sleeps, and Sleeps…..
I arrive just after midday at the care home and Grace is sleeping. She is in a really deep sleep and I decide she can skip lunch, I’d far rather she slept. Two hours later and she is still fast asleep. What I’ve learnt is just how tiring yesterday much have been for her. Wow! I’ve never seen her sleep so deeply in such a long time.
Removing a Photo at Request of a Nurse
I got asked to remove a photo of nurse, which I am fine to do and I did call out that if anyone was uncomfortable they could approach me.
I’ve actually gone back through the web site and Instagram to look for any other photos – there are the odd ones in the gallery on the web site which I have deleted. There are other photos with part of someone in, but these are incidental and you cannot in many cases a) know the location b) see the person clearly and c) know the person is a resident. Ultimately a balance needs to be found. I am transparent with my where content is and open to feedback. Whereas others could be publishing photos without the permission of staff or resident’s families and no one would know. It’s about finding respect and understanding between each other rather than trying to police something which is impossible to police. My intentions are positive.
Social Media provides an opportunity to do good!
Despite the down sides and issues, social media is positive and does give you have the right to express yourself in a public way and no one can stop you. I suppose it’s all about the grey area when it comes to making people feel uncomfortable. I want to drive positive change, like all of us in the world no one sets out to upset anyone else. But to drive positive change we sometimes will make some people feel uncomfortable. It’s all subjective, as to how far we go into discomfort zone and depends upon how much change we want to make and how quickly we want to do it.
Feeling pretty low! Seeing Grace fade away!
Not every day can be a happy day when I try to uplift myself and those around me. I’m feeling quite sad at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for sympathy. I simply see grace fading away, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I also worry that the only memories I’ll have of her will be as she is now. I’m not in a good space at all today—not angry, just sad and lost. I can hear myself saying it’s time to stop fighting and let things go, but it’s like trying to remove something from my DNA.
The music stopped for me when Grace fell ill, and as a consequence, I started questioning everything about my life in a philosophical manner.
Does awareness of FTD (Frontotemporal dementia) and other forms of early-age dementia matter? Why do we need it? Well, it’s to ensure better support for caregivers, improved and faster diagnosis, better care, and ultimately, to halt the progression of the disease. However, it’s a tough battle, especially considering the comparatively lower visibility that early-age dementia receives in contrast to Alzheimer’s (and I’m not saying Alzheimer’s is irrelevant). To put it bluntly, there is an argument that early-age dementia has a greater impact on sufferers, families, and loved ones than Alzheimer’s, which mostly affects the elderly. It’s the 80/20 rule—early-age dementia may only account for 20% of dementia cases, but it causes 80% of the pain associated with all dementia cases.
Early age dementia is s@@t!