So I’ve felt like crap for the last two days. Most of yesterday I spent in bed just aching and feeling tired. I’m urinating a lot more due to being dehydrated just because I’m sick. Isabel was really sweet yesterday she sent me a photo of grace. Grace looked so sweet and so beautiful.
Yesterday I turned up to the PVT workshop, its part of my Dutch integration programme. Really well enough to go but if I didn’t go there was a risk that I would get fine so I just sat there in the back didn’t say much, finished the session, picked up my certificate job done.
I’m not by any stretch of the imagination well again today. I’ve just taken a 600 milligramme ibuprofen tablet, with the hope that it will help me get through the day and mean that I can be a bit more active. I just feel so tired.
I am miles behind the things I want to do so I need to catch up.
I’ve now got an email showing my illness data. My goodness in the last 6 months I’ve been ill for over 2 weeks, in the last 6 months. It’s all physical illness too – bar my one mental health day 😊. Not good!
I’ve gone to see Grace. She is so happy to see me. M explains that they told Grace I was sick. We spend a bit of time together, with me helping her with her tea. I feel a lot better in the care home with Grace.