Our Journey with Early Age Dementia Book Updated

The English version of the book has been republished in both paperback and Kindle formats.

The Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese versions are ready for covers, and they will be published soon. Hopefully, this will be done tonight.

For the avoidance of doubt, as I imagine some people might say this, it is not about making money. The purpose of the book was to: a) Raise awareness of FTD b) Process everything I had been through c) Learn something new, i.e. writing and publishing a book

Points b) and c) have definitely been achieved. Time will tell with Point a).

It’s a natural evolution from writing the journal.

Thinking of Grace

It’s been around 10 days since I last saw Grace, and of course, I do miss her. Though I have managed to focus on other things. It’s okay, and I’ve had lots of good support, in terms of compassion and advice.

It does seem that some people feel quite insecure. More on this in a future post.

Dinner with Colleagues

Had a nice (client-related) meal with a few colleagues. It was friendly and relaxed, though I felt super tired at the end. Where I work (soon to be where I did work), there are some genuinely super nice people.

Finding Work I am slowly dipping my toe in the water and looking for work, particularly a freelance contract. There are opportunities; it’s just about finding the right one.

Feeling Freedom

I do feel incredibly free, more than at any other point in my life. Of course, I have Grace to take care of, but I really have control over my own choices.

You Can’t Please Everyone When you go outside the boundaries of norms, you naturally attract opinions and criticisms from some. It is essential to have the strength to recognize that it comes down to the values of each and every one of us.

9.5 Months Sober

Wow, I checked this morning and I can’t believe it’s been 9.5 months sober. I feel so much better for it.

What I noticed is that I drink quickly, and this is not alcohol-specific. When I drink alcohol-free beer, I can have 4-5 bottles in a night. No wonder I was drinking so much alcohol.