Handed my Work Stuff Back and Feel So Happy and Content
I’ve just dropped off my car, phone and laptop at work, and I’ve been thinking … If I were to share a real learning for me from the last few years, it would be this …
To learn the importance of defining and following one’s own path (and that includes working through what has happened with Grace)
In the past, I allowed myself to be influenced by others (and they did no wrong), trying to walk their paths.
But everyone’s path is unique – very rarely can you tread the same footsteps. It was also trying to take the easy option and with it came lots of unease, frustration …
Defining my own path and making my own choices, has brought me such a great sense of freedom, happiness, and contentment.
I just needed to learn to adapt, accept and enjoy the feeling of uncertainty that comes with it.
Thank you Anke
Anke was super today, when I arrived to hand stuff over. She said so many wonderful and positive things.
Going to Australia
I am going to fly out to Australia in the next week or two, to help Grace’s brother, Ross, do some maintenance work on the their dad’s house. It is a bit gut wrenching leaving Grace, but it will only be for 2-3 weeks. I just need to sort out some paperwork and then I can go.
Grace looking well
I am so happy, Grace looks well and she is dressed in nicer things these days. Though dark old clothes, she was given, are now long gone.
Dinner at Bazar with Grace
I took Grace to dinner at Bazar, which serves middle eastern and Turkish food on the Witte de Wittestraat in Rotterdam. She was very alert today and engaging. When took a stroll around the city.
See our Instagram post here.
The 2nd Book
I’ve landed on a title and Alejo has kindly offered to work up a cover. By the end of this month the first complete draft will be ready.