Paperwork done for Dubai
I’ve been to the foreign ministry and UAE embassy, both in the Hague, and have my paperwork done for my trip to Dubai.
Waiting for my Dutch results
I am waiting for results for my two Dutch exams. If I pass then I can proceed with the integration ceremony and then subsequently progress next steps. I have low expectations, as with one of the exams I was completely distracted due to the crap going on elsewhere.
Focusing on Grief Therapy
I’ve been trying to pull together a list of grief therapists with experience in helping families of loved ones with dementia. I can see it is gap and I want to fill in. It’s my way of feeling I am making a good positive contribution. So far I am getting some good responses from the UK, though I want to branch out to other countries and languages.
Getting fed up with lack of support for wheelchairs
So where ever we go it always seems a hassle with wheelchairs. Like they are second class citizens, its disgusting and not on. It’s not individuals it’s companies and government who don’t do enough with respect to their own facilities and pubic transport respectively.
I am not sleeping well, barely 3-4 hours per night and then falling asleep during the day. The last few weeks seem to have caught up on me. Worst of all I have to miss my sleep clinic appointment, due to my flight.
Feeling a bit Low
For a few different reasons. It is just one of those troughs.