
Two days of journalling missed. I am so busy at work and I am finding I am shattered in the evenings. It’s the first of November, so the reset button gets pressed.

Finalising the First Main Draft of the Second Book

I am about a third of my way through the final draft of my second book.  I don’t think it is hitting the mark, but let’s see what the reviewers think.

If I reflect, it is a year ago I started my first book and it was hard going.  Each day writing now gets easier, as I learn more through experience.   I just hope to become more articulate about my feelings and thoughts.

It feels so right being with Grace

Today I have brought Grace to the library in the afternoon, and I’ve spent most of my time here working.  She is sitting next to me really quiet.  Ashleigh was so sweet with Grace, saying hello and in response Grace played back a really big smile.  Later on we are going to get something to eat together.  Probably some Ramen.

It feels so right being with Grace.  Comfortable and it makes me happy.  I realise with my work, Grace and writing, I have little time left for other things.

The Medical Report

I’ve been going through the medical report for Grace and it looks incomplete. This whole situation is down to two individuals – Enzo van de Vossenberg (yep his name and role at Laurens his in the public domain) and Iris (and her name is in the pubic domain also).  Enzo just wanted revenge because he was not given the respect he expected (he didn’t deserve) from me and others.  Equally Iris also seemed to want revenge.  I assume this is why she had to call Grace a prostitute?  Yet, what both individuals ignored is the need for good care. They used Grace as a sort of weapon against me, and the abuse of Grace was disgusting.


I’ve been reflecting the last few days about how life is full of perspectives. That is what life is about to anyone at any point in time.  Furthermore our perspectives change all the time, sometimes rapidly based on specific point in time learnings or new facts emerging.  Other times it is a process that can take days, months, years and even decades.

Nice feedback on the Italian Version of my First Book

I have just had an Italian person send me a message congratulating me on my book. That is so nice to hear.  I always said I only had to touch one person and it seems I have. It makes me so happy.