

It’s 0500 in the morning, and I’ve been awake since 0300. Having gone to bed at around 2230.  I am suffering with insomnia big time over the last few days.  So I have decided to do some more on both my second and third books.  I am trying to manage my time better and no get into my comfort zone of working on it 12-14 hour days.

Helping Grace with Dinner last night

Last night I arrived at dinner time and helped Grace with her meal. Then took her for walk and we got some bits from the supermarket.  The care home is definitely quieter and sometimes I miss the advantages of being so close to the town centre, however the plus side is that I can spend more time with Grace again. Particularly in her room.  It’s all about change and adjustment for both of us, getting used to our new surroundings.

The TV needs swapping around in Grace’s room. The one bought is far too big, whereas it would work if I swapped with the one here in the apartment. 

Noticing some further decline

Grace has declined over the last few months, and as much I hate to write this, I need to acknowledge this. Because I did not go into Laurens I was not really exposed to this and I think outside of Laurens I did not see it, as was just happy to be doing something with her. Grace says less words these days and her physical movement becomes less and less. But I avoid thinking too much about the future, because experience tells me there is little, I can do to guess what it looks like.

Laurens nurses now reaching out to me

A few nurses have reached out to me immediately since Grace has moved, which says it all.  OMG there were made to fear the consequences of talking to me.  Enzo and Mascha, you nasty people.  You have no idea of the needs of residents and their family with a care home setting, and the related commitment many of the nurses. You are both a couple of administrators and what I have come to learn over the last week, in a new setting, is that you did absolutely nothing to continuously improve the care setting in Dominicus.  You were just there to put up signs, manage staff rotas and keep costs down – tools for Hans Stravers.  More to follow in this …

Feel super proud of how my Dutch is progressing

I am super happy with how my Dutch is progressing. Compared to a year ago, Dutch people are speaking fluently to me in so many different situations.  Not just in the care home, but also with a personal trainer yesterday doing a trial lesson and with a person over the phone regards my sleeping machine. Day by day my vocabulary gets more extended and hopefully my grammar gets more extended.

S@@t the f@@k up

Some people don’t know when to shut up? There was a women at work yesterday who just likes the sound of her own voice. So I stepped in and made my point. That just wound her up, but hey if you are not going to listen, try to engage with others and collaborate then that’s not my fault. I suspect a complaint about me will be forthcoming.