
Time to Spread the Word About Enzo

Yesterday morning I found the time to write down and share some feedback with the former team leader at Grace’s old care home. I thought it would be also nice to share it with his colleagues across the company.  Thanks to Phantombuster it was easy to do. 

I said to Enzo he did not want to escalate things and he naively did.  He is probably so stupid he does not even realise what he has done.

Grace is being taken care

One of the nurses came up to and introduced herself, telling me the things she had done with Grace this morning. I was so pleased.

I have noticed she is left quite a bit herself, though that’s ok. Its more difficult these days to keep Grace occupied and my role is to be with her more often.

Focusing on systems and not goals

I’ve building reading about focusing on systems as opposed to goals. Which makes absolute sense. For example, you have a house which is system, you furnish over time and refurnish from time to time.  It can be evolutionary rather than revolutionary.  It’s what gets you a positive feeling.  The danger with goals as that if you need achieve them you feeling negative feeling towards yourself.  Where with systems you build positive evolving habits.

Needed a break

Last night I’ve needed a break.  I’ve been with Grace since around 1115, so at 1800 I head into town for something to eat at the Market Hall. My original plan was to get some Ramen near Beurs, but I was told I would need to wait 10-15 mins for a table to come free.

I’ve got back to the care home at just after 2000 and spent the evening doing some Duolingo and then watching the Crown with Grace, in her room. I have to say, this is so much better than before. As we can spend more time together privately, in each other’s company.

Am I fooling myself with how I am feeling?

As I walking out of the care home this evening, at around 2230, I think to myself about why I do this?  Why I spend this time with Grace? Why I put my head on her chest and look up to her and tell her I love her? Am I just doing all of this to serve my own needs? 

As I walk back up the Avenue Concordia, I notice the air is fresh and yet it is not too cold. The leaves are all fallen on the ground and make this nice mush to walk on. I do feel incredibly relaxed, but I wonder where I am heading?

Third Book, is this worth it?

I am ploughing through my third book, drafting initial content, thinking are people really interested in the crap? I must remind myself that I am too on a learning curve. As I learnt yesterday on a bite size course, developing a deep understanding of fundamental ideas of any areas is important.