
Teaching myself a lesson

I am punishing myself this morning. Well a little bit. After I left Grace, at about 2030, I went around  to Café Stobbe.  It’s is, in my mind, a lovely traditional eetcafe.  I decided to drink some wine, just a few small glasses.  Though despite leaving around 2300 I am feeling sluggish this morning.  So I have kicked myself out of bed at 0700 and am now at a café in town drinking coffee, writing this blog, before I go for my gym session at 0900. The message to myself is that the show must go on. I switched off last night which was fine, but then I can’t let the alcohol switch me off for longer.

Grace is good

I did two Instagram posts in short succession last night.  The first was one where I was sad as I felt I was losing my connection with Grace and also did not want to leave her on her own.  Then I played some music on YouTube
on the TV and she just came alive.  It was wonderful.  It made my day. 




Time to Transition

I am 100% sure I need to seize the moment and now transition away from my current career in the next 12 months. I reflect on what has happened to Grace and think in 25 years I’ll be 75.  You only have one life, use it wisely. I want to give writing a go.

I have bundles of self confidence.  Enough of the reading, its time to work up a plan and take action.