
Feel like I have been neglecting Grace

I am tired; I am mentally engaged seven days a week—with Grace, with Spanish, with my book (whenever I have time), and with work. I hope I can be forgiven for taking a morning off.

For the past week, I’ve been having breakfast out each morning. It gets me out of the apartment, allows me to walk around, and lets me engage with people.

As the day comes to an end, I am completely shattered. I’ve been sleeping on Grace’s bed, and I feel like I have neglected her. I don’t know what to do. I brought some macarons, and we shared some hot chocolate together. I helped her with dinner and then took her back to her room, but I just feel guilty if I leave her. I want to take care of her.

Grace is Getting Quieter

I know I am losing Grace; I can see it day by day. Of course, it makes me sad. She is getting quieter, but she keeps smiling and, most importantly, continues to eat and drink. Sometimes I wonder if she is suffering, and I really don’t want her to. I plan to take her some flowers today.

Last night, I lay by her side as she fell asleep, but she woke up just as I was leaving, and I felt so bad. I wanted her to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Side Hustles

I am exploring what side hustles I can pursue. In the meantime, I feel like I am gaining momentum with my Spanish. My second and third books need focus, but I think that will happen over the Christmas week.