Frustrated David

Web Site Back Online

We are back online!  We’ve gone through all the D care home photos, obscuring faces or removing them. Note bar two photos, the rest had been live for months and pre the checks done by the Team Leader.  I don’t even use first names now.  The only faces and names left are those gave permission, furthermore most of the photos are taken off the premises of the care home.  

Please email me if you believe I am breaching privacy – it is not my intention to do so.    I’ve had someone meticulously go through the pictures.  But we are humans and make mistakes.  The care home policy seemed to be that you only needed to seek permission if you took a photo of persons other than yourself (and family member).

Over the next few days I am going to share photos with obscured faces of staff who posed for photos with me – I factually know one person in these photos has been complained.

As one person said, 99% of stuff about the care home and its staff was positive. I also made apologies  the 1% – bar one post, very early on, and one involving P. 

One Person vs an Organisation

Guilty without the Opportunity to Prove Innocence

The care home management where Grace is, seem to think it has the right to be the plaintiff, jury and judge.
Furthermore, they seem to think they can do it based on not checking the evidence. They of course claim they are doing it in the interests of the staff and residents. 
So what would you do in my position? As one individual against a whole organisation.  This all feels very much stacked against me.  Is the care home trying to hide things?
The language and behaviours of the care home management sounds like something from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc governments would have used. We are here to protect the people!
I want to see my wife. I don’t give a toss if this is on the grounds of the care home or off the grounds. It’s my basic human right, as it is hers. I am also her legal guardian according to the courts.
I said to the Team Leader be careful don’t escalate this – you can see my email. He presses the red nuclear button. As someone said to me, he very young and he has lost control of his ego.  There is also another person who is making life very difficult, and the view amongst quite a few others, is that they create a toxic environment.   It is also very coincidental that person is always around when I subsequently hear things back at a management level.  
The Team Leader needs to work from facts rather than speculation.  Maybe he likes a bit of gossip?  If you like gossip, go and work in a bar!