Grace is struggling to eat and drink
Grace is struggling to eat and drink, and I can feel the weight of despair settling in. I find myself in tears, watching her struggle.
Grace is struggling to eat and drink, and I can feel the weight of despair settling in. I find myself in tears, watching her struggle.
It's all about Grace now. I came to the Netherlands to spend time with Grace.
I’ve been off work for two days. Why? Because Grace has declined, and I now realise that the end is near. She needs to spend her final days in peace…
Grace has got her hair coloured and cut this morning. I’ve taken the morning off, so there’s no rush like usual.
Both of use keep singing the classic Brotherhood of Man song
One of us has given it to the other. I've had to take the day off work, but I still want to see Grace
We've just had some fresh care shared with us. By some wonderfully kind ladies and children.
... and our first book is in Rotterdam library!
If there is a possibility that the nurse called a prostitute then that person should be suspended until .....
15 complaints made to the care home and they say they don't need to respond!