Caroline is here!

March 18, 2023 0 Comments 20 tags

Grace is out with the volunteers for a walk around the local area in her wheelchair. I’ve left her to it and am busy with an online course. I do

D&G do Tea and Scones

March 8, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

Today I took Grace for a short walk through the building where the care home is located. She is very nervous walking on her own, and grabs tightly hold

Grace loves music!

March 1, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

I put Grace’s favourite songs on my new noise-cancelling headphones, including Eros Ramazzotti and George Michael. Grace sang along, and it was the most active and engaged I’d seen her

Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

My company mobile number has been given to someone else WTF! My expenses have also been stuck in the system for over a month. Despite these frustrations, I am relatively

Grace needs more support ☹

February 9, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

I signed a form stating that Grace needs a higher level of care to help the care home receive more funding. Unfortunately, her condition is declining, and being in a


January 28, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

Today, I went to the care home during lunchtime as I have an online course scheduled from mid-afternoon until the evening. Grace walked with me fairly quickly for two laps,

I am exhausted! But Grace is happy 😊

January 26, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

I am so happy to see Grace happy...

Things starting to get back to normal!

January 10, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

7th January: Recovering from the last few days I slept until midday and visited Grace in the afternoon. She was in her bed in her room, and I was told

Grace returns to the care home!

January 6, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

I received a call from the hospital around 10:00 in the morning, asking if I could make my way there. They wanted the physiotherapist to show me some exercises for

Grace is operated on!

January 5, 2023 0 Comments 42 tags

I headed straight to the hospital at 0900 to check on Grace. Thankfully, she had been moved to a private room and seemed quite relaxed. Her surgery was scheduled for