
Ready with my CAP Machine

A truly awesome day.  Lots done of positive stuff done for work,

I sorted out my CAP machine for sleeping and am now with Grace.

Starbucks with Grace

Grace and me have had a nice evening together, in Starbucks drinking Frappuccino’s.  Illness and tiredness seem to have passed, Grace is so much more engaging.

Thinking about Rutger

A thought a little bit about Rutger again today, and he felt about sad.  I hope and his girlfriend are enjoying their time together and what ever they are doing.

Finding Inner Peace

As @peaceful_barb says ‘ Your know what’s a real luxury? Your inner peace.’  I feel so fortunate to been experiencing this at the moment.

Siri is the Laziest Nurse

Siri often sits in the office and does very little. Often she can be on the phone to her friends, making video calls whilst residents come in and out – now this is a breach of privacy. A lot people think she is the laziest nurse in Dominicus.