14th March 2023
A@@hole Hogging an Electric Charging Point
The a@@ehole who left his car a public charging spot for 4 days has moved his car. After I taped over his windscreen what I thought! This is third vehicle owner in recent weeks, and the other two seem to have learnt their lesson. My message this time was a bit stronger! The last one just stated the person was parking like an a@@ehole.
A Mental Health Day Off
I have decided to take day off work tomorrow. I am frustrated at work, with the lack of support given and yet they focus on other details rather than resolving the issues. My stress levels are high and, just like people take care of themselves physically, I am doing the same mentally by taking a day off. I am also aware of two people who have taken time off due to work related matters that have impacted their mental health and I also heard last year that one colleague had a stroke. There is no evidence of any mental health support given to staff and the only person who is going to take care of me is myself. Today, increasingly many companies have specific staff trained to provide mental first aid. As opposed to just training individuals to provide physical first aid. Having done the training online, using a course on Udemy.com, I’ve learnt about different types of mental health illnesses, warning signs to look for and how to provide initial first aid including signing / reaching out to specialist mental health services.