
It’s still me, minus Grace. Hence, this post is largely about me (David).

Breakfast for 8 Euro: Why do I feel compelled to eat more than I need to, just to justify the spending? Though I have to say the croissants were good.

Tired – not sleeping well: I slept from 2300 until 0100, then was awake at 0300, 0400, and 0500… Hey no. Having a large kebab at 2130 did not help – I was hungry, and it was next door to the hotel in Caen.

Charging my car: I was down to 2% charge on my car. I followed the satnav to a place where there was no longer a charger, then went to the next place where both were broken, and finally being taken to…

Being on my own this weekend: Yep, there is no one with me! No nurse, no other female stranger! I’m doing a weekend on my own without anybody. It’s okay; I’m relaxed and enjoying my own company. I do miss being connected to people, without a doubt, and I absolutely miss Grace, without a doubt, but that’s not to say that I’m not enjoying some time by myself and doing this. Of course, if I could see Grace, I would go and see Grace just like that.

Attachment Styles and Mel Robbins Podcast: I definitely recommend listening to a recent podcast by Mel Robbins titled Therapist Reveals Why You Struggle With Relationships & How to Let More Love Into Your Life | The Mel Robbins Podcast.”

Obviously, no one falls directly into a specific category, and we all have different extremes as well. So, you should see it as a quadrant with four different boxes, and you can potentially draw lines within all four boxes to determine how far you go into each. I realized that I’m definitely an avoidance person at times, partly because of how I was brought up as a child.