
Grace is Tired, So Just 90 Minutes with Her

Yesterday, I’ve just spent 90 minutes with Grace this afternoon.  She seems tired, as we’ve done quite a bit over the last few days.  I wanted her some time to recover.  We had a drink in the coffee company at Eendrachtsplein and I chatted with her and held her hand.

All Quiet

Otherwise, it’s all quiet. I was engrossed in work during the day and crashed on the sofa last night watching Spurs beat Fulham.  I was asleep by 2230, before the game had finished.

Need another holiday!

I was on holiday only 7 weeks and feel like I could do with another holiday. In my heart I know I would love to be writing and reading, rather than working. But I’ve got some things to sort out in advance.

I need to energise myself. Step outside my daily routine, of work, Grace, book writing. I need a sense of genuine purpose to my life.

Camino Calling

…. I was going to finish this  blog update this morning, but I got distracted and then I needed to focus on work.  As I am came to understand so much when walking the Camino, how you see the world and your life can change so quickly, despite nothing materially changing in your life other than your perspective.

I miss the Camino and over the last few weeks I have felt it calling me back.  Maybe I do it for two weeks next year, for now there are too many things going on between now and Christmas.

Rutger Travelling Europe

I have heard today that Rutger has been travelling Europe in a campervan.  I’ve told Grace and do hope she took it on board.  I know she will be super proud of her son, for showing such independence. As am I.

I think a family moment with the four of us would be good at some point in the near future.  That’s something for Rutger and Sarah to decide. Certaintly, I’ve not been ready up until now.

Me and Grace are fine

Considering how things are, we are all doing just fine. I keep reminding myself I am here in NL and I need to focus on writing, whilst I am with Grace.

Grace sits next to me know, listening to various old tracks from Lionel Richie to Rod Stewart. Every so often she nods off and then awakes again.

New Care Home

With a few weeks I am hoping she will have moved to the new care home.  Where I can spend more time with her.

Siri and Zone!

The point has nearly been made.  Voor het geval je het niet weet, gebruik ik nu anagrammen (anagrammen) voor namen, om de privacy niet te schenden. De verpleegster die Grace een prostituee zou noemen, heet ‘Siri’.