I Am So Busy
I haven’t written anything for a couple of days. It’s been intense at work, trying to get everything done before I take three weeks off. A stretch of time off that feels very normal for me now. The intensity isn’t good for me; I’m biting people’s heads off and being super hard on them.
I’m on My Way to Rio
The journey to Rio de Janeiro has been smooth so far. The trip from Schiphol to Heathrow was uneventful, although there was a short delay due to congestion at Heathrow. I tried desperately to upgrade my seat for the leg from Heathrow to Rio. First, in Amsterdam, the lady said she couldn’t help, then at Heathrow, where they said they were full, and finally on the plane. So here I am, in the “sardine” section. I’m saving all this money, but I can’t spend it. That said, I did have a £10 glass of wine and an expensive fish dish at the airport.
I’m on an 11-hour flight with just 1 hour and 50 minutes to go. I’ve slept on and off and just been bumped by the stewardess walking past me with a trolley of breakfast trays.
Wow, I’m shocked by how some people do not take care of themselves when I look around the plane.
I’m comfortable with not being with Grace for three weeks. The care home has my iPad, so I can do FaceTime calls with her every day. Once every two days should be fine.