I am still in Love with Grace
There is a connection with Grace I know I cannot get with anyone else. When I kiss Grace I feel the emotion. I can’t share that love with others. It’s so odd. It’s a powerful emotional commitment.
Income from the Book
I am nearly there with the second book. Though with this book I am trying to not rush it as much.
I make about xxx per month from the first book. It’s xxx per year. In about 6 years I will have recovered my costs 😂. A second version, reworked, will definitely sell better.
The book was never about making money. It was about processing a terrible chapter of my life, being thankful I came out the other side, and hopefully making others in the same situation feel normal.
What a year!
It’s nearly a year since I have been writing my journal. 248 pages and 133090 words.
A year ago I would never have expected to achieved what I now have:
- Rediscovered my love for Grace
- Stopped drinking
- Started a blog which I regularly maintain
- Started an Instagram page with nearly 5,000 followers
- Wrote two books
- Learnt Dutch and passed my NT2 exams
- Renovated the Apartment in Rotterdam
- Travelled to Australia and Bali
- Completed numerous professional qualifications
- Stood up to the evil behaviours of the care home
- Started to deal with my blood pressure and sleep apena
Life is pretty good!