
I am vibrating all the time

I had the pleasure of experiencing a 24-hour blood pressure meter! It’s buzzing three times an hour, taking measurements and hanging around my neck like a fashion statement. I’ve had to explain to everyone why I’m buzzing, including the nurses at Grace’s care home and my teacher and fellow student at my Dutch class. The kind lady at the clinic warned me that I wouldn’t get a good night’s sleep, and boy was she right!

Speaking of Grace, I popped into her care home at lunchtime to see her, and she didn’t look well. Despite waiting for COVID test results, I’m pretty sure she has a cold virus. Poor Grace!

My Colleague is an A@@ehole

My colleague whose names starts with A thinks he doesn’t need a project manager anymore. He even copied my manager with his crappy attitude towards me! Honestly, I’d be overjoyed not to work with the arrogant a@@ehole anymore. Him, along with a few others, seem to have a case of the horn and affinity bias effect. I’m not fazed by their behaviour. It’s just a cultural thing, and it’s not healthy. They don’t even realize they’re bullying. I don’t think the realise what they are doing and the impact it could have someone’s mental health. It is important to call out that some of the individuals is involved have not doubt been exposed to such bias due to their ethnic background.