Jet Lag
Was awake 0800 this morning. I don’t get jet lag? The previous day I did not wake up until 1330.
I’ve been into the city (of Perth) today. Wow it is small and had a very laid back feel. My trip was slightly eventful. Expecting to take the train there was a replacement bus service. Except I went in the wrong direction and then needed to go back the other way.
Alcohol Free Beer
I’ve had to explain what alcohol free beer is today to a young guy working behind a bar. He wants to give me ginger beer. It’s quite a amusing. Its pretty clear here that the consumption of alcohol free beer is some way behind what it is Europe.
Massage to Rebalance
I’ve had a massage to rebalance my body and its amazingly made me feel so much. I know it’s the dust though at the house which is flaring up my sinus and giving me a horrible cold. No ones fault, just one of those things.
Spoke to Grace
Spoke to Grace briefly, via the phone. It’s great that she knows I am in Australia.