Dutch Walking and Talking Group
I went to the walking and talking event in Rotterdam Noord yesterday. I won the bingo too. Wow I was myself. I did not jump up and down when I won. I was relaxed. Standing up and holding my ticket in the air. A feeling of self confidence, being self assured. If my 20 year old was talking to me know, he’d be saying wow you did great. You stood up in front of 60-70 people and were completely relaxed.
Grace is declining
Grace is struggling. She has declined again for sure. It’s hard for both of us. I’ve made her and served her lunch and served her dinner. But I felt disconnected from her because I have been focused on work. The next 6-9 months are going to get tougher and tougher.
The COO is leaving my former company
I hear the COO in the Netherlands is living after a year. It’s not news!
Feeling good, but need to move forwards
I’ve been pretty productive at work today, despite a slow start to the morning. But I want to focus more on me. I am thinking about whether I start to take more time off.
I need to move on with things, focus on the future.
Sun bed was good tonight. An escape.
I am super tired and tomorrow I feel like just staying in bed. Demonstrating to myself that I am free to do as I please. I’ve felt wiped out at times today. I am pushing myself well beyond normal boundaries. I am trying to maximise every minute of my life and find a dopamine buzz.
I am so proud of how much Dutch I have learnt. I always felt so small not being able to speak another language, and now I can. It’s great that Dutch people speak it fluently with me.
I want to fall in love again. But I cant’ be in love with two different people.