
Looking after Grace’s dignity!

I spent some time in the office, which is uncommon for me. The new COO wanted to meet with me, and we had a really good conversation. He seems like a good guy!  I did explain about why I was not coming into the office too much. When he asked about my aspirations, I explained that my current priority was taking care of Grace.

I skipped a company event to spend time with Grace at her care home. We listened to music and spent time together, and I noticed some progress in her ability to walk independently.

As Grace struggles with dementia, I am determined to help maintain her physical well-being and dignity, buying her skincare products and new clothes, and ensuring she gets her hair cut and coloured regularly.

The evening ended with me helping a nurse get Grace ready for bed. The nurse thanked me, though she did not need to.  I am so grateful that Grace is in a care facility with the support she needs and empathise with those who may not have access to such care. I am lucky to have the choice to help, rather than it be something I have to do, and that makes life so much easier.