Phone Soaked in Sea
I underestimated how deep the sea was that I needed to cross, and my phone fell into the water while in my bathing shorts. It started turning on and off and is now not working. I hope it dries out since I have everything on it—bank cards, hotel bookings, flight details, etc.
4 km Walk
I did a 4 km walk, which felt more like a 15 km trek through the jungle. I was hoping to reach a quiet and idyllic beach, but instead, it was extremely busy with at least 100 people, so I decided to turn around and head back.
I’ve enjoyed my island and private beach trip. It was lovely in some respects, but in others, I just want to be back on the mainland. I feel like I’ve tested my visual senses in every way possible over the last few weeks, and now I’m done with it.
Basing myself somewhere is important. Having a sense of being part of a community is also important. Have my thoughts changed about where I want to be?
I’ve also been bitten by mosquitoes and flies everywhere. I need to be mindful of things like dengue fever.
Tried to Call Grace
I tried to call Grace but couldn’t reach her. Now that my phone is dead, I can’t contact her at all. I really feel cut off from all forms of communication—at least for immediate chat, navigation, and banking.