

Today, I went to the care home during lunchtime as I have an online course scheduled from mid-afternoon until the evening. Grace walked with me fairly quickly for two laps, but she seems to be in pain now. Sorry, Grace! The nurse advised me that it’s too much for her. I understand, but I just want to see Grace happy and independent.

Later, I went to the care home again, and Grace’s mother arrived about 10 minutes after me. She stayed by the entrance and gave the nurse some things for Grace. OMG, she looked so uncomfortable. Well, it’s her choice, not mine. If anything, I feel relieved, and within a few minutes, I have forgotten the whole event.

Finally, I read in an Anger Management book that an event of anger can last around 20-30 minutes. I just had 20 minutes of anger because the moderators of the FTD Spouse Group on Facebook banned me from posting for 28 days, as I have breached the rules. Apparently, by asking for input for my book, I have violated the rule of self-promotion. Ffs! They say they warned me before when I asked if it was okay to publish a link to my blog, and they said no. I complied with their request. What the admins do not realize is that by using Phantombuster, I have downloaded details of each and every member of the group. But I will do nothing with the data!