
For the first time in a long time, I haven’t seen Grace. It’s okay. The day has been easy going, and I haven’t done too much. I’ve really enjoyed my evening.

One Nurse Seems in Worried and Distance

One nurse seems to be in a state of fear. Yesterday, she became distant, giving me the impression that something had been said to her. 

Apology to a Nurse

I apologised to one nurse for what I did, and I stand by that apology. I made a mistake, and I am sorry for that. I also deleted the content. That nurse is extremely good at her job, and I am truly grateful for the care she gives Grace. 

Far High Web Site Traffic than anticipated

I decided to check the website for the first time since it was set up in December, and I am shocked. I don’t promote the website, yet the number of visitors each day seems very high. Is this all nurses and related staff? Because I don’t think any of my friends and followers on Instagram and Facebook do.