
It’s weekend, thank goodness

It’s weekend and I am glad.  Time for myself and Grace. I’m up early, at 0630, as I cannot sleep.  So I’ve buried myself in Spanish this morning. I arrive at around 0900 at the care home, with Apple Turnovers.  It’s breakfast in bed for Grace, and I am really happy about that.

I’ve been reading The Suitcase Entrepreneur.  Written back in 2017 it feels a bit dated now, with respect to all types of remote work and side hustles you can do.  COVID accelerated all of this.

Goal Driven

My goal driven focus works. It drives me to do new things and make other things habits.  The things I am neglecting now are fun and body weight.

Lifeprenuer Transition

Though I am 100% clear in my head, I am not working solely for the money now. There is no career motive, personal growth motive or professional growth motive. I could potentially earn more money elsewhere, however it just consumes so much of my time which I now truly value. 

I am not becoming retired, I am just enabling more and more freedom and independence in my life.  I realise also I don’t need too much money.  Of course I want to look good, eat well and enjoy myself.  But I don’t need a luxury car (just yet) and I don’t need a big luxurious house.

I am still worried about Grace

I am worried about Grace. She is very tired and not engaging at all.  Its not like her.  I hope it is just tiredness. I have noticed she needs more sleep, as she ahs increasingly needed over the last 12 months.  I am worried she is in unwell and in pain.

The thoughts that come into my heard are redcated